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Share Certificates

Sit back and watch your money grow.












Let Your Money Work for You

While you're hard at work, let a Rock Valley Credit Union Certificate of Deposit or CD work hard for you. Also called a Share Certificate, a CD is a low-risk, high-yield type of savings account that pays you a fixed interest rate over a certain amount of time, so you can watch your money grow.









Here's how it works:


Keep Calm and Be Prepared for Tax Season

Safely deposit your money at RVCU
Wait 6, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 or 36 months (you choose!)
Withdraw your money AND the interest at the maturity date OR reinvest in a new certificate for continued growth


Why choose RVCU for Share Certificates?

We're glad you asked! Here's what we can do for you!

  • Solid returns #MoneyInTheBank
  • Variety of terms
  • Low minimum deposit requirements
  • Dividends are paid or compounded monthly (Compounded into the certificate or paid into a savings account)
  • Get rewarded for saving with a "Save to Win" Share Certificate from RVCU

We know money doesn't grow on trees, but with a Share Certificate from Rock Valley Credit Union, you can sit back and safely watch your money grow. 




Already a member?

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*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The 6-month special APY is accurate as of 2/10/2025 and subject to change without notice. The 6-month certificate special requires a minimum deposit of $1,000 to open the account and earn the APY. Penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. Federally insured by NCUA. The annual percentage yield is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the certificate until maturity.



Save to Win


RVCU wants to reward you, our loyal members for saving more of your hard-earned money, and we can’t think of a better way than with MORE cash!

Save to Win® is our prize-linked savings program that rewards members for contributing to your own savings account.

How it works:

  • Open a Save to Win® savings account or a 12-month Save to Win® share certificate with at least $25
  • Every time you make a savings deposit of $25 or more, you’ll be entered in the monthly and quarterly prize drawing
  • Monthly and quarterly prizes range from $25 to $5,000

As of October 15, 2024, RVCU members can earn up to 100 entries per month. The more you save, the more chances you have to win!

Save money, earn interest, and have a chance to win great cash prizes! With nothing to lose and everything to win, it’s time to Save to Win®!




*Details to win a quarterly "Save to Win" $5,000 grand prize: $25 is needed to open the account. There is no minimum deposit after opening the account. You are able to make deposits to your Share Certificate at any time. The Save to Win certificate has a 12-month term. Must be 18 years of age or older. Only one Save to Win Certificate per member among any credit union that participates in the Save to Win program. Quarterly drawings take place in January, April, July & October. 

View the official Save to Win rules here.




Have questions?

Send us a message in our chat feature during regular business hours, contact us online or call our Member Contact Center at (815)282-0300.




Girl relaxing and making money